Thursday 29 April 2010

The Political Wife

As Bermondsey Mum has previously disclosed, she has this much in common with Sarah Brown, if little else.  Having seen her on BBC News 24 earlier, in the background of a shot where Gordon was desperately trying to rescue his political career, she looked abjectly miserable.  I can't claim to know how she feels but she is in an unenviable position, whatever happens.  The spin doctors will demand that she shadows Gordon every step of the way between now and polling day, ensuring that she is on-screen almost constantly, since the broadcast media are all hoping for another gaffe.  While they wait for that, the print media will no doubt have fun sneering at Sarah B's outfits/shoes/hair... And all the while, if they lose (and assuming this becomes clear around midnight on polling day) she has 12 hours to clear out of No.10.   

Meanwhile she has to endure and explain to the children if they see them, the accusations made against Gordon, the funny but hurtful cartoon caricatures of him in print and online and the contrast between the man she knows and loves and the one demonised as a politician.     Same goes for Laura Bush, who has just published her memoirs and possibly also Norma Major.  Interestingly, all of these women are/were probably more 'popular' than their spouses but Bermondsey Mum has not got time to get into that.  There's a pile of anti-Bermondsey Dad election leaflets to shred...

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